I did a quick search and it is close to the 17% mentioned in Can Facebook Birthday Wishes Control Your Mind?
This made me think...
The idea is as follows:
- Change your birthday on Facebook to a Wednesday (apparently the busiest day on Facebook)
- Post as your status that this is not your birthday but an experiment in launching your blog / product / service / website / whatever, along with a link.
- Ensure you can track how many people visit your site using Google Analytics or similar software.
- A couple of ratios that will be interesting:
- Number of Birthday wishes: Number of friends (Do they not read your status before they post?!)
- Number of visits to blog: Number of friends
- Number of friend requests in follwoing 7 days
It might seem like a cheecky way to launch something but they are your friends, they will forgive you.
Please let me know the stats above once you tried this as well as any other interesting measures you came across.