Saturday 12 November 2011

Idea 8: Rate your local sex appeal

When I started to ask people about the following idea, there were various opinions about the statistical validity*, how many people you will need to make it work, blah blah blah. But, one thing that there is consensus about is that most people play this game in their heads anyway.

Idea number 8 - Rate your local sex appeal:

The premise of the game is to rate the sex appeal of strangers in an area, using a mobile application.

Under your profile you would enter your gender, age and whether you are straight or gay.

The interface of the mobile application will be simple.
  • Two voting buttons; "Would you?" or "wouldn't you?"
  • A countdown timer; Users can choose to play for 3, 5 or 10 minutes.
  • The amount of alcohol (in units) consumed at the time when the game is played.

There will need to be some controls to ensure the parameters entered are statistically reliable*, of which the key ones to get right will be; (examples at the hand of a heterosexual woman)
  • Dismissing scores when the location is too quiet (think deserted island). A score of 1 out of 4 means you only saw 4 men of which you found 1 sexually appealing - too few to base a statistic on.
  • Dismissing scores when the location is too busy (think clubbing night). A ridiculously high total scoring means you are seeing too many men at the same time so you might be double counting or not counting all men.
Once you have played it a couple of time you would be able to;
  • Compare your own scores, over time, against location - see where are the most attractive people, according to you. 
  • See correlations between your scores, alcohol consumption and the time of day.

Once enough people are playing the game, you would be able to;
  • Compare your scores to other people's in a given area to decide if you are "picky" or "desperate".
  • See infographical "hotspots" in your city or town.
  • See how alcohol consumption and time of day influences average scores (testing the Beer goggle theory!)
You can then post your scores and results, like everything else, to Twitter or Facebook.

I am well aware that douchebags and jocks will abuse such an app to a certain degree, but it should not be developed with them as the primary market.

Your thoughts?

* Someone mentioned that you might be muddling the statistical significance by measuring two things at the same time - the player's taste and actual sex appeal of the subjects. 

1 comment:

  1. This is on geolocation steroids :)
